Tuesday, October 4, 2022

My New Book: The Residue of His Glory

My NEW book, The Residue of His Glory Book 2 Appalachian Series is now available at Amazon!

This series explores the life of country doctors in the small town of Jay's Creek, Kentucky. World War 2 is over and things are looking up in America, but a new pandemic is spreading across the nation, as well as in this Eastern Kentucky town. Polio strikes fear into parents' hearts as it sweeps through the town and hollows of Jay's Creek.

Follow Dr. Sandy O'Sullivan as he begins his practice with his father, Dr. Robert O'Sullivan. Is living with his parents in his childhood home, as well as practicing with his father, asking more of his bride Jill than she can handle?
And where doe God fit into his life now that he has begun his medical career? Can science and faith share his heart and mind?

This heartwarming story will take you back to a time when America was filled with hope and plans for the future. It was the time of drive-ins and radio and a time of trust in neighbors and countrymen.

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